5.30am - Wake up in the morning

6.00 am - Morning prayers are congregated at the Foundation's prayer hall. Religious lectures after Morning Prayer on Saturday, Sunday and General Release

6.45am - Breakfast

7.00am - Go to school

1.30pm - Back from school, Zohor prayers and lunch

5.00pm - Acne prayers & afternoon tea

5.30pm - Recreation

7.15pm- Get ready for a Maghrib Prayer at the Foundation's prayer room

7.30pm - Dinner

8.30pm - Congratulatory Soup Prayer

9.00pm - Tuition and prep

11:00 pm- Sleep


Yasin readings, tahlil: Every Thursday, Friday night and Saturday after the Evening Prayer at the surau Foundation.Demand for Yaasin And Tahlil Supper is only accepted on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Nasyid exercises, compasses and more.


Weekly raffle cleaning in and around the Foundation


Performing nasyid at the celebration of Islamic great days at Al-Ghufran Mosque.

Futsal or football matches between dorms and even houses - orphans nearby.

Foundations of Holidays and Foundation Open Houses.

Meetings with Mother / Guardian and presentation of outstanding gifts.

Family Inspiration Day (staff and kids) is usually held outside Kuala Lumpur.

Celebrating Malaysian orphans on every 10 Muharam is like organizing a sports competition between orphanages. Study tours.

Khatam Quran Festival held every month of Ramadan.

Participate in gotong-royong activities in conjunction with the Sacrament of Holidays organized by al-Ghufran Mosque.

Participate in a celebration of the Prophet's Maulidur Celebration organized by al-Ghufran Mosque.